What is procurement logistics?
6 December, 2018

supply logistics It means everything related to receiving goods and optimize processes reception; It aims to guarantee supply, as economically as possible, especially to companies that have yet to transform the goods or raw materials, as well as to retailers that are ready to put the product in the hands of the end customer.

and is the set of operations carried out by the company to procure the materials necessary when you have to perform manufacturing or marketing activities. These processes make available to the company all the materials and products necessary for its operation, in accordance with the objectives already defined.

What is the importance of supply logistics?

  • It is the primary relationship of the company with the supplier, who is interested in having the product as soon as possible.
  • From the commercial point of view, it is in the company's interest to have the least stock immobilized materials, since a large amount of stock in the inventory can lead to excessive costs and thus reduce the competitiveness of the company.
  • For a good progress of the business organization, it is necessary a control over inventories and associated costswith them.

Benefits of supply logistics

  • Mayor predictabilityin delivery times and, therefore, increased punctuality in operations.
  • Costs reduction, thanks to savings in transportation and expenses related to visits to suppliers for management, inspection or development purposes.
  • Image Enhancementfrom the company, which demonstrates its commitment, interest and investment in the local community; something that also has repercussions on the suppliers themselves, who gain in recognition.

Supply logistics suppose a high level of complexity, considering that he must anticipate the needs of the company, plan for them, express them, satisfy them through purchases, and make sure that exactly what is ordered is received, pay for it and send it for your use.