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Source: https://elecodigital.com.uy/sociedad/martin-chico-avanza-el-proyecto-para-megapuerto-de-1-500-millones-de-dolares/?fbclid=IwAR0nD0oCM2NexA844brlb0vDwLGTu088vmGvf4LyX6aXU2cousFjABfmJjo Today at 12 noon , in the Tomás Berreta room of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works, the Public Hearing was held that is required so that the firm Mangle S.A can use the River Plate River for the construction and operation of Multipurpose Port Terminals in the area […]

Source: The growth of areas of Uruguay where average salaries of US$3,000 are paid and hundreds of millions are invested – EL PAÍS Uruguay (elpais.com.uy) In 2021, the free zones installed in Uruguay increased their contribution to the Uruguayan economy, after representing 6.18% of the Gross Domestic Product, according to MEF figures. […]

Source: https://infonegocios.biz/default/eramos-tan-jovenes-100-anos-de-la-primera-ley-de-zonas-francas-en-uruguay The first centenary finds the consolidated regime, generating a return nearly six times for every dollar exempted and approximately 30,000 jobs. The history of the sustained growth of the free zone system, the execution of which has a positive impact on the entire society, began on June 20, 1923 with […]

Source: https://todologisticanews.com/site/anp-anuncia-avance-en-proyectos-en-puerto-de-colonia-y-en-nueva-palmira/ ANP announces progress on projects in the Port of Colonia and Nueva Palmira The ANP has the mission of continuing to strengthen the national port system, for which important projects are advancing to position the country as a regional hub. The entity reported that the projected works on the dock berth of the […]

Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/uruguay-sustainable-energy-renewables/ Uruguay runs on 98% renewable energy. Biomass, solar energy and about 50 wind farms have replaced fossil fuels. It is one of the 150 countries that have signed the Global Methane Commitment. Uruguay is the smallest Spanish-speaking country in South America, known for […]

Source: https://www.ambito.com/uruguay/las-exportaciones-las-zonas-francas-fueron-el-132-del-record-del-2022-n5627532 Foreign sales from the Free Trade Zones totaled US$ S 1,766 million, 2% more than in 2021. 2022 closed as a record year for Uruguayan exports, with a total of 13,356 million dollars, but one piece of information is even more relevant for the future of the country's foreign trade : the exports […]

Source: https://www.elpais.com.uy/economia-y-mercado/zonas-francas-esperan-fuerte-impacto-positivo-arancel-cero-brasil.html To enter Brazil without tariffs, free zone production must elaborate or add value to the exported goods. The ratification of the bilateral agreement with Brazil for the duty-free trade of goods from free zones of both countries constitutes “excellent news for the sector” and opens the door to new […]

Source: https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/uruguay-brasil-concretan-acuerdo-arancel-cero-productos-zonas-francas-comercio-yerba-mate.html The agreement had been signed in June by Foreign Minister Francisco Bustillo with his Brazilian counterpart, Carlos França, in Los Angeles, while the Summit of the Americas was taking place. Uruguay and Brazil completed the process of incorporating into their respective legal systems the protocols that will enable the liberalization of trade in goods from free zones and the commercialization […]

Source: https://eleconomista-com-ar.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/eleconomista.com.ar/businesses/zona-franca-uruguay-una-oportunidad-exportador-argentino-n55007/amp The past 7 In September we had a new edition of the CALOG Breakfasts, this time at the Industrialists' Club, with a significant participation of members. The topic that brought us together was the presentation of LACC – Latin America Cargo City, a new concept for the development of the platform […]

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