Presenting in the virtual world
3 October, 2018
Victor Machin – CEO de Inmove Logistics

In Inmove, we have a florishing industry ahead of us, we have to adapt permanently to changes, our strategic partners have international acknoledgement. Because of this, we consider really important to start working in a concient communication.
We understand that in this current stage of the human being, it an hiperconnected era, characterized by immediacy, global access to information and a tendency for customized services. Business nowadays get close to their audiences, talk and ear them permanently. Social media are a great channel for this purpose, its were everyone is and where we can connect more with our clients. The digital tools allow business to mantain a constant flow of information and feedback. To be part of this ecosystem, we began to renew our website, we think information must be visually attractive and the navegavility, simple, from this we will accomplish getting people to be interested in us and appreciating the benefits we have to offer.
On the otherside, we chose to be part of the most relevant social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. Twitter is a channel of brief information which flows with great speed, and it allow us to be permanently aware of the industry movements. Facebok is the most popular social network, it is more flexible about contents and it allow us to communicate in several ways. Instagram is a more visual network, it lets us play more, showing our infrastructure and work. Finally, linkedin is the Workplace social network, source of contact with referents and people related.
This process generates a huge benefit to the organization credibility. With digital communication exchange we can transform a vertical process into a horizontal one in which greater openness can be achieved, so as participation and transparency and allows greater understanding of the needs of consumers.