What will the supply chains of the future be like?
28 January, 2019

Supply chain management promises to change business models for the better. For this, engineering and production is making the necessary changes to be able to face the new trends.

According to a report published by the team of DHL Solutions & Innovation The future of these supply chains is really encouraging, the study was carried out based on a projection of the conditions of the industrial sector for the year 2025.

Another of the conclusions highlighted in the report indicates that supply chains must adapt to the changes existing in the market, which meet the demands of the new era and be able to comply with the most demanding standards. They must also maintain sustainability.

Influence of the production sector in the world economy

The contribution that this sector makes to the world economy is notorious, such as 17% of the Gross Domestic Product and 14% of employment, but the greatest contribution is achieved with 70% of trade throughout the globe, since the same derived from companies in this area.

Needs change

Today's consumers are not the same as in the past, so it is necessary for supply chains to keep up with these changes and adapt in the best way, in order to offer the public what they really want and thus be more competitive.

The picture will be even more complex in the future. Customers will expect a broader and more personalized product portfolio. The changes in developing markets, the increase in suppliers, the lack of skilled labor and new technologies will cause companies to reconsider their current supply chain models.

According to what was said above, the chains have begun to make the necessary adaptations for the proper functioning of their company, such as the restructuring of production processes, giving greater importance to customers and adjusting business to them. The goal is to become more competitive.

The influence of developing countries

The developing countries will continue to prosper and the production they have will be directed to these markets, therefore the supply chains will have to regionalize creating a global network of chains. But doing this is not easy as the regulations and standards will be even greater and different in each country.

Likewise, they must establish greater strategies to be able to meet the demands of personalized products, for which planning will be essential.

The technology will also play a decisive role, so they will have to use some resources such as 3D printing and It was ecology and the call for awareness and the fight to save the planet, learn to use less polluting products and processes that are friendlier to the environment, among other factors.

FUENTE: http://www.tradelog.com.ar/blog/seran-las-cadenas-suministro-del-futuro/